Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Only a Grassroots Patriot Movement Can Save America From Doom

America the Beautiful is bleeding, both internally and externally. Those who have been elected to public office, and have sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution to the best of their ability have--with rare exceptions--sold their souls to corporate interests and foreign lobbies in exchange for their incumbencies continued into perpetuity.

Traitors, one and all, they ought to be impeached, recalled or otherwise removed from office before they completely destroy what formerly was the greatest and most respected superpower in the world.

There is one--and only one--presidential candidate in the running who is morally, spiritually and ethically qualified to occupy the Oval Office: Representative Ron Paul (R-TX). Although Dr. Paul was elected to Congress on a GOP ticket, that is where any resemblance between him and the remaining pack of elite political prostitutes pretending to be conservatives (sic) comes to a screeching halt.

Unlike his adversaries, by telling only the truth, Ron Paul never has to cover up past lies by telling new lies. His superior intellect, knowledge of U.S. and world history, and familiarity with economic principles drives his opponents crazy. He wins every debate in which he participates hands down, but you never would guess as much by listening to either network or cable media gurus.

Thanks to the Internet, Rep. Paul's campaign has caught on fire, and the number of his devoted followers--particularly among young voters--is growing exponentially. He placed fifth in the Iowa Republican straw poll vote, fifth in Illinois, number one in Alabama ... and the list goes on.

America's deep-seated problems did not arise overnight, nor will they be dispelled in the blink of an eye. But the course on which the current cabal of totalitarian tyrants has been leading us must quickly be reversed, lest we go the way of the Roman Empire.

Please visit http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ ... should you like what you see and hear, become a part of The Ron Paul Revolution!